Port of Vancouver selected Ephlux to help automate their business process in JD Edwards ERP using Orchestrations. Port of Vancouver is the largest port in Canada and the fourth largest in North America by tonnes of cargo.
Port of Vancouver selected Ephlux to help automate their business process in JD Edwards ERP using Orchestrations.
Ephlux helped Port of Vancouver automate their business processes for Purchase Orders using JD Edwards Orchestrations using our strong expertise and years of experience with complex JD Edwards integrations for some of the largest customers.
The Port of Vancouver is the largest port in Canada and the fourth largest in North America by tonnes of cargo, facilitating trade between Canada and more than 170 world economies. The port is managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, which was created in 2008 as an amalgamation of the former Port of Vancouver, the North Fraser Port Authority, and the Fraser River Port Authority. It is the principal authority for shipping and port-related land and sea use in the Metro Vancouver region.
The Port of Vancouver was looking for a reliable provider of JD Edwards process automation and integration services using Orchestrations.
Based on their market research, they come across Ephlux as a premium provider for JD Edwards process automation using the latest toolsets including Orchestrator and Application Interface Services (AIS). Ephlux is one of the early adopters for these tools.
They wanted to work with a world-class partner with strong expertise on process automation technologies and a strong past record of success stories with major customers with complex needs. Their research strongly indicated Ephlux as that partner.
Ephlux brought to the table a consulting package backed by a strong successful track record of consistently delivering for large enterprise customers.
Ephlux put together a specialized JD Edwards integration specialists to align, plan and execute with the team at Port of Vancouver. The Port of Vancouver team was not only trained on the orchestrations but also were provided the required consulting to get them up and running with their process automation for their Purchase Order processes.
Once the consulting engagement was done, the team documented and handed over all the learning materials and completed the knowledge transfer.
Functional Overview
- JD Edwards PO Approvals
- Documentation & Knowledge Transfer
- Consulting, Implementation & Training
Technical Overview
- JD Edwards Orchestrations
- JDE Orchestrator custom scripting
- JDE AIS & REST/JSON services
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