How will Barack Obama’s technology and innovation oriented attitude re-harvest the global technology market?

Obama seems to be the most tech-driven leader following John. F. Kennedy. Recently got his BlackBerry customized for security purposes and to eliminate concerns like e-mail could be hacked or GPS used to locate president, phone capable of encrypting voice conversations, handling classified documents.

The most significant item provided by Obama is the Technology and Innovation Plan (Click here to download) and the urge to appoint a CTO to advance the government’s I.T infrastructure. Below is the outline of Obama’s Tech and Innovation plan:

• Ensure the full and free exchange of information among Americans through an open Internet and diverse media outlets.

• Create a transparent and connected democracy.

• Encourage the deployment of a modern communications infrastructure.

• Employ technology and innovation to solve our nation’s most pressing problems, including reducing the costs of health care, encouraging the development of new clean energy sources, and improving public safety.

• Improve America’s competitiveness.

Do you think its time for Technology VC’s, Entrepreneurs, Tech services and product provider companies to get excited for another boom?


  • After the last 8 years of a do-nothing administration, this administration is already moving forward on this and many other innovative ideas and programs.
    Let the games begin…

  • Capitalism is what drives innovation, not socialism.

  • As an EMR Software Developer, I’m excited about the Obama’s new emphasis on Electronic Medical Records.
    At the same time, as an EMR Software Developer, I’m scared to death that government is going to try to regulate the life out of the Electronic Medical Records market.

  • EMR and Stem Cell research are definitely the most affected fields. Aside from those focused efforts, GREEN based technologies will continue to grow.
    Technology is a snowball rolling downhill … there is no stopping it and it will only get bigger – with or without a tech savvy president.

  • Any American who has visited a 3rd world country comes back to the US with a renewed appreciation for our wonderful highway and road system. Our modern highway system does more for our economy than most of us can comprehend or appreciate because we simply do not remember a time when goods and people were bound by distance (or a flooded creek!). I have listened to Obama discuss the importance of a modern broadband grid and the importance of net neutrality. As digital goods and services become an ever increasing part of the modern American economy broadband and net neutrality become our digital highway system – an invaluable asset. Having a leader in place who understand this as well as promotes adoption within business and government is good for the tech industry.

  • Progress, our most important export? NOT weapons.

  • Obama’s approach to the “technology industry” will be to tax it to death, drive it out of the USA, and then blame the greed of corporate CEOs for the failure.

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