Swift Inventory Transfer app provides highly functional and extremely user-friendly mobile, tablet and web user-interface with QR Code and Bar Code scan capability to your warehouse workers to perform inventory transfers.
Swift Inventory Transfer App provides the following key features:
Note: You need Swift platform service to use this application.
Inventory Transfer Dashboard View
Swift Inventory Transfer app Dashboard offers a convenient overview of various features, including transfer Inventory, printing Labels, searching the Inventory Ledger, locating Items by Branch/Plant, checking Inventory Availability, and more.
The Dashboard encompasses the following key components:
The Dashboard Widgets can be customized to display specific Inventory Transfer information based on the code and status. These Widgets provide a drill-down functionality, allowing users to directly access a detailed list of Inventory Transfer details by simply tapping on the Inventory Transfer widget.

Enter Inventory Transfer Details
Inventory Transfer Form allows the warehouse workers to transfer inventory items between branches and more. You can easily customize other fields you need to capture as part of Inventory Transfer.
- From Branch Plant
- To Branch Plant
- Explanation
- Transaction Date
- Item Number
- Quantity
- From Location
- To Location

Item Availability
Item Availability Find Browse Form allows to search Item Availability by Branch/Plant, Item Number, U/M and Location. You get the following information in both Grid View and Card View which is further customizable.
- Branch Plant
- On Hand
- Available
- On Receipt
- SO Hard Commit
- Back Order
- WO Hard Commit
- In Routing
- On PO
- In Transaction

Item Branch
Item Branch Find Browse Form allows you to search Item Branch. You get the following information in both Grid View and Card View which is further customizable.
- Branch/Plant
- Item Number
- Description
- Stocking Type
- Line Type
- Supplier Number

Enter Inventory Detail & Print Label
Swift app is designed to provide a user-friendly experience for managing inventory transfers. With this app, users can effortlessly enter the necessary details of each transfer, making the process efficient and seamless. The app streamlines the transfer entry process, allowing users to input information such as item names, quantities, and locations with ease.
One of the key features of the Swift app is its ability to generate printable documents. After entering the transfer details, users can quickly generate and print the necessary documents, such as transfer receipts or shipping labels. This eliminates the need for manual document creation or the use of external tools, saving time and effort for the users.
- Document Number
- Transaction Date
- Branch/Plant
- Quantity
- Unit Cost
- Lot/Serial
- Supplier

Inventory Transfer Inquiry
Inventory Transfer Inquiry Find Browse Form allows you to search Inventory Transfer Inquiry. You get the following information in both Grid View and Card View which is further customizable.
- Document Number
- Transaction Explanation
- Doc Type
- Batch Number
- Branch Plant
- Transaction Date
- Doc Code
- G/L date