Swift Purchase Order Receive by Item App for SAP S4HANA enables Inventory accuracy from the moment an Order enters your facilities.
Swift PO Receive app provides highly functional and extremely user-friendly mobile, tablet and web user-interface with QR Code and Bar Code scan capability to your warehouse workers to perform Receive with a scanner/or by supplier/order number
Automating Purchase Order receipt with a mobile-first app is the start of end-to-end inventory visibility in your supply chain.
Swift PO Receive App provides the following key features:
Note: You need Swift platform service to use this application.
Swift Purchase Order Receive by Item app Dashboard provides a quick snapshot of the Purchase Order receiving and more.
Here are some key elements of the Dashboard:
- The Dashboard Widgets are configurable to get the PO receiving as per the code and status
- The widgets are drill-down capable. Tapping on the PO receiving widget takes you directly to the list of PO Status and Orders

PO Status
Swift Purchase Order Receiving App enables:
Status with Records:
- Order Number
- Quantity to Receive
- Amount to Receive
- Order Type
- Order Code
- Last status and more
Receiving by Item:
- Total Units Received
- Container ID
- Supplier Remark CR
- Unit of Measure

PO Receiving by Item and Details
Swift PO Review & Approval Form allows the approver to review the PO information including the following before either approving or rejecting the order:
Receiving by Item:
- Total Units Received
- Container ID
- Supplier Remark CR
- Unit of Measure
Item Details:
- Record OPT
- 2nd Item Number
- Quantity
- Transaction UOM
- Amount
- Description

Receive Order
Swift Purchase Order Receiving App gives you search flexibility, you can search the Item by Order Number and Branch/Plant.
- Order Number
- Order Type
- Order Code
- 2nd Item Number
- Supplier
- Amount Open
- Quantity Open
- Description and more