What's new in Swift Release 24 in September?

We are thrilled to present the latest release notes for Sep 2024. Swift now has even better features for easier use and smoother operations.

Read on to discover the highlights of this release and unlock new possibilities for your app development journey.

Customizable Column Names in GridView

With this release, designers now have the flexibility to customize column names within the GridView component. Through the configuration settings, renaming columns is straightforward and intuitive. This enhancement enables you to create more meaningful and descriptive column names, improving the overall clarity and user experience.

How to use this feature

  • Open the application and go to the form.

  • Drag and drop the Gridview from the Toolbox Sidebar onto the form.

  • Configure the Gridview by selecting the settings option.

  • Edit column names and labels in the settings.

  • Save the changes and exit settings.

  • Test the application to confirm that the column names are updated correctly.

Enhanced Workflow Logs


With this release, designers can specify start and end dates when exporting logs, allowing them to focus on data within a selected range. This targeted export simplifies the process and enables more precise analysis, avoiding the need to export all logs at once.

How to Use this feature:

  • Open the workflow logs screen.
  • Add date input fields for the From and To dates.
  • Click on the Export button


GPS Location

With this release, field technicians can now easily capture their current location on-site with just a click of a button. This new feature streamlines tracking, making their tasks more efficient and manageable




How to Use this feature:

  • Open the app where you want to capture the GPS location.
  • Drop a button from the toolbox.
  • Edit the button and open the channels dropdown. Locate to UtilsFunctions and select getCurrentLocation.
  • Once done, you can map the response of the captured location on any of the form fields by using the Map Response feature.

Streamlined Sequential Actions for Designers

With this release, designers can now take advantage of the new feature for sequentially calling actions in FBF. Before, we could only handle one action at a time with the checkbox functionality. But now, we can set up and manage multiple actions to be executed in a specific order. This means we can configure a series of actions in the checkbox settings and determine their sequence, making our FBF workflows much more efficient and streamlined.

How to Use this feature:

  • Open the application and navigate to the desired FBF form.
  • Locate the checkbox functionality section in the form configuration.
  • Enable the checkbox functionality.
  • Configure the first action by selecting it from the dropdown menu and setting any additional parameters.
  • Add more actions by clicking “Next Action” and selecting from the list.
  • Repeat step 5 for each additional action.
  • Hide actions from the end user by enabling the “Hide Action” checkbox.
  • Save the form configuration.
  • Test the sequential calling of actions using the checkbox on the end user application

Support of GridView for Fusion-Based VA Form


With this release, users can easily add the GridView component to their Fusion-based View Action forms. They can configure the GridView by selecting the Fusion Cloud channel, the relevant application, and the desired form details. Users can then drag and drop the columns they want to display in the GridView. This allows for a more customizable and user-friendly experience in Fusion Cloud applications.

How to use this feature:

  • Open the View Action form in your Fusion environment.
  • Drag and drop the GridView component onto the canvas.
  • Configure the GridView component by selecting the Fusion Cloud channel, the relevant application, and form details.
  • Select the columns or keys you want to display in the GridView.
  • Drag and drop the selected columns into the GridView section.
  • Save and publish the changes.

The GridView will now be available in the end-user application based on the configured settings.

Version Control for Forms

With this release, designers are now equipped with enhanced version control for entry forms, view action forms, and dashboards. This feature enables users to publish changes seamlessly while also allowing access to previous versions for easy restoration. Power users and admins can view all form versions and track the specific changes made in each iteration. 

This improvement ensures better management of form modifications and facilitates effortless rollback when necessary.

How to use this feature:

  • Open the form or dashboard you want to edit.
  • Make your changes.
  • Click “Publish” to save and share your updates.
  • To view previous versions, go to the main page of your app, navigate to the relevant form, and click the “Access Previous Form Versions” icon.
  • Select a version and click “Restore” to revert to it.
  • To view changes in a specific version, click “View” next to that version.
  • Repeat to publish new versions and access older ones as needed.

Customizable Login Screen

With this release, designers are empowered to enhance the user experience by customizing the login screen styling at both the portal level and for individual applications. This feature allows for tailoring the background and border colors of the login button, as well as adjusting the location of the login panel, enabling seamless alignment with your branding and design preferences.

The changes will seamlessly reflect on both the portal and login screen and the login screens of specific applications, creating a cohesive look that aligns with their branding.

How to use this feature:

For End user Portal’s Login Page.

  • Goto the Settings screen from swift designer.
  • Under the End User Portal settings, you can set the background color of your Portals Login page.
  • To adjust the panel location, set the Panel Configuration to Left, Center, or Right.

For End user App’s Login Page

  • Goto the relevant app from swift designer.
  • Click the edit pencil icon under Actions.
  • In the Login Button section, you can set the background color of the app’s login page.
  • To modify the panel location, go to the Login Panel Section and set the Panel Configuration to Left, Center, or Right.

Refresh the screen to see the updated styling.

Log Generation for Business Rules

 With this release, power users and admins can view detailed logs directly on the user screen under the BA Business Rule tab. 

By using this feature, you can have better visibility into the actions performed by your Business Rules and ensure they are functioning as intended.

How to use this feature:

  • Access the Business Analyst or Power User interface.
  • Open the Business Rules section from the Users screen.
  • Locate the specific Business Rule you want to monitor.
  • Click on the “View Logs” icon from the top to access the logs generated by the Business Rule.
  • Review the logs to see actions by the Business Rule, like user creations and updates.
  • Use the logs to track Business Rule execution and troubleshoot issues.

Flexible Data Filtering

 With this release, we’re excited to introduce a new feature that lets users set default values for the Date control type on FBF when using the “between” operator in filters.

This enhancement provides two customizable date fields for start and end dates, making it easier to apply and manage date range filters more efficiently.

How to use this feature:

  • Open the FBF form where you want to apply the date filter.
  • Add a filter field and select the “between” operator.
  • Select the gear icon and go to the Control tab.
  • Change the filter field type to “Date”.
  • You will see two fields: “From” and “To”.
  • To set the default value for the “From” field, Select the option “Default Today” or “Default First Day of Month” based on your requirement.
  • To set the default value for the “To” field, follow the same steps as above.
  • Save the changes and test the form or application.

By setting the default values for both the “From” and “To” fields, the filter will automatically populate with the desired date range when the form or application is loaded.

Node Position Change on Workflow

 With this release, designers are now excited to introduce a new feature that enables users to change the position of actions within workflows.

By changing the position of the nodes, you can control the order in which actions are executed in the workflow. This allows you to customize the flow and logic of your workflow according to your specific requirements.

How to use this feature:

  • Open the workflow in the flow builder.
  • Identify the action node that you want to move to a different position in the workflow.
  • Click and drag the node to the desired action.
  • Release the mouse button to drop the node in the new action.
  • The workflow will automatically adjust node connections to keep the process running smoothly.

Wrapping Up

Swift’s latest updates make your tasks easier and more efficient. You can now customize GridView columns, filter workflow logs by date, capture GPS locations, and set up sequential actions. Explore these features to see how they can simplify your daily work.

Remember, customizing your tools leads to a smoother and more efficient workflow!

Thank you for being a part of the Swift community. Here’s to optimizing your processes and achieving success!

With 💙 from Swift

Your feedback is essential in driving us forward, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us; and stay tuned for more groundbreaking features as we evolve!

The ability to create “disposable” experimental processes and apps opens up the untapped potential of the enterprise to address business problems with an unprecedented agility and positive innovation energy.

How Swift provides the game-changing capability?

Most low-code, no-code platforms evolved as the next-phase of the original development tools, built a decade or two ago, and still follow the same development mindset in their DNA. Although they’ve tried their best to make them easy for the business analysts and the users, majority have fallen short.

To bring about the real paradigm shift and benefits of a low-code/no-code platform, a grounds-up rethinking was required to work at a meta-data level, and incorporate at the core of the architecture, the latest and greatest advancements in web and mobile technologies, integration, security, analytics and cloud-based server frameworks. 


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