Join Swift Workshop for REST & DB - September 2024

Welcome to Swift Workshop for REST & DB

In this workshop, you’ll master the art of designing and managing advanced apps on the Swift platform, with a focus on REST APIs and database integration.

Swift App Design Studio covers key aspects of app design, including REST & DB Channels, custom forms, workflow optimization, dashboards, KPI widgets, and app branding. You’ll also learn to launch, export, and import apps effectively.

Swift Workflow and Integration Essentials focuses on configuring and automating workflows, including defining Workflow Action Types, setting up notifications, and using Swift Flow Webhooks for process automation. You’ll also cover integration basics like Source and Destination Channels and mapping.

Ideal for business analysts, power users, CNCs, and System Administrators, this workshop will equip you with the skills to build, deploy, and manage apps that integrate smoothly with REST & DB and other systems.

Note: We’ll conduct 2 Swift workshop sessions. Register yourself separately for each session.

You will be eligible for Swift Functional Consultant and Swift Admin Consultant Certificates

Session 1: Sep 6th, 2024 at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CST

Session 1 Agenda
Swift App Design Studio
  • Swift REST & DB Channel
  • Swift Custom Forms
    • Custom Find n Browse Form (Listing) Form
    • Custom View Action Form
    • Mapping Find n Browse Form with View Action Form
    • Custom Entry Form
  • Swift Dashboard
    • Swift KPI Widgets
    • Swift Charts
  • Swift Components
    • No-Code Components (e-Signature, Tags, Camera Controls, Barcode/QR code scanners etc.)
    • Swift Custom Component
    • Depends On Functionality
  • End User Portal & Mobile App Branding
  • Launch Apps
  • Migrate (Export / Import) Apps

Session 2: Sep 9th, 2024 at 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CST

Session 2 Agenda
Swift Workflow
  • Swift Workflow
    • Workflow Action Types
      • Push Notifications
      • Email Notifications
      • Integrations
      • Conditions
    • How to invoke Swift Workflow from Swift Apps
  • Swift Flow Integrations
    • Integration Source
      • Custom Source
      • Source Channel
    • Integration Destination
      • Destination Channel
      • Configuration
    • Source to Destination Mapping
      • Using Variables for Mapping
  • Swift Flow Webhooks
    • How to register webhooks
    • How to secure webhooks
    • How to invoke webhooks

Note: We’ll conduct 2 Swift workshop sessions. Register yourself separately for each session.

You will be eligible for Swift Functional Consultant and Swift Admin Consultant Certificates

Get Started with Swift

Sign up for Swift Start and get a fully functional Swift instance, pre-integrated with a JD Edwards demo instance. You can explore the pre-built apps available on Swift App Store, customize them or create your own from scratch and share them with your peers.

Join Swift Online Training

Join us for the Online Training and learn to design, build, deploy and launch mobile and web apps in a matter of minutes, and how they are automatically integrated with JDE applications, orchestrations and databases without the need to write a single line of code.

Get Swift Certification

Swift Certified Consultants are responsible for designing, developing, launching, extending and managing Swift applications. Join some of the most innovative and reputed JDE professionals in the industry by getting your Swift functional or admin certifications.